Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Emily Dickinson response #1

"There's a certain slant of light, on winter afternoons, that opresses, like the weight of cathredral tunes."

I picked this quote because I didn't really understand it. Opressor means to keep down severly with unjust force, but Emily Dickinson compares this to cathedral tunes, which are happy, and fill up the church with a loud melodic tune. The oppesion n this context though, is the "slant light," on winter afternoons. The beauty-maybe-of the light in winter afternoons are as powerful in sight, as oppresive a cathredal tune will take on you in a church.

"This is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me,"

This is a quote form the same poem actually-But this quote set the tone of the poem for me. It is kind of depressing and angry. She is angry throughout the course of this poem. She is ticked off at life, and using metaphors to express her problems at hand.

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