Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hawthorne #1

The Minister's Black Veil

1st quote- "...kind and loving, though unloved , and dimly feared; a man apart from men, shunned in their health and joy."

This quote kind of struck me. It is a bit sad. It is discussing Mr. Hooper's life and how thigns have been since the murders. He never really is able to come back to the real world. This black veil hides everything. People do not really beocme his friends, he doesn't have a wife, and his life is quiet and full of solitude.

2nd quote- " 'If I hide my face for sorrow, there is cause enough,' he merely replied; 'and if I cover it for secret sin, what mortal might not do the same?' "

This quote was interesitng to me because he kind of lets the girl know that he has his veil on for a good reason. It might be something sinful in the past but any man would do it if he had the experience that he did. It is on for a good reason, and not for attention or for annoyance.

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