Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quote response 3 huck finn P. 197-214

""Sold him?" I says, and begun to cry; "why, he was my nigger, and that was my money. Where is her?-I want my nigger.""

Huck has realized that the men were con-men and he has been tricked. He is worried sick that his partner - Jim, has been taken, and they have been getting tricked this entire time. Despite their precautions, and Huck using his chance to escape, he finds out Jim has been sold. The man who orignally was going to sell him for the reward of 200$, sold Jim to another man for 40$, and now someone else has him.

"We blowed out a cylinder head."

Since Huck has arrived at the house where Jim is supposedly being held, he meets the white lady of the house. Her name is Aunt Sally. She thinks that Huck is her nephew, and he starts to play along with it all to secure being safe. She is wondering where he has been, and he tells her that something on the boat-(the cylinder head has broken.)

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